The Urban Renewal Coalition is acting decisively, now, in order to be relevant to society. The competitive advantage is the ability to translate the needs of the people into the continued research, assessment, and facilitation agenda. To be successful, the Danville community must build on its historical strengths and invest in new learning, supportive, and engagement opportunities that attract and provide access to new and expanding audiences—from rural to urban.  Applying our growing partnership capital and expertise to social, economic, educational and environmental problems that matter to the public is a value we provide to residents of our striving community-at-large. Expanding outreach and engagement improves the partnership’s ability at solving multi-dimensional problems. It enhances our ability to take on two or three issues that can be solved better together than addressing each separately. T.U.R.C. is committed to solving real problems for real people.

The potential for new partnerships that share our mandate for improving the social, economic, educational and environmental quality of life is enormous. These partnerships provide a foundation for the creation and expansion of opportunities for communities, businesses, families, and individuals. Leveraging and developing resources through expanded partnerships will fuel our competitive success to provide programs and services.


                                             Together We Care

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