The region as a whole is moderately progressive, which lends expectation of drastic change in any area to naught.  Though models focus on youth achievement in most research, it should be noted that areas like Danville and surrounding communities often find themselves simply perpetuating a cycle.  Much has become “the expected”---which is not always best, particularly when communities in like situations tend to lag behind others of both similar and distinct scenarios.  The same gaps found in resources available to youth are also found in resources—often times more critical—required for adults to attain sustainability and manageability.

                                 OUR RESPONSE                                           

The Urban Renewal Coalition recognizes both the productivity of the region as well as the need within.  The scope of our services is directly in line with several opportunities for regional impact.  Nonetheless, our efforts are only a small part of the holistic, comprehensive approach required to provide youth, adults and families with the resources needed to sustain healthy, successful lives.  In order to truly support work guided by the values of accessibility and excellence, we must dismiss the social and territorial roadblocks that continue to inhibit organizations like ours from making a major difference in our community.  Through a major collaboration effort and an intense planning process, we have offered our sites and projects as outlets to further the independent causes of other community agencies, businesses and individuals, as well as to take steps to collectively approach and address the needs of our community.  Step one was to engage in deliberate dialogue that doesn’t just produce a project, but a policy.  Step two was to actively leverage expertise, ideas, and services for the greater good.  Step three was to commit to a strategic partnership that remains in-tact for years down the road, multiplying, and evidencing a strong record of effectiveness. Overall, the organization serves the community-at-large.  The primary goal (through youth and adult services, “politics” and civic engagement, health-based supportive services, women’s shelter and advocacy services, environmental awareness and recycling, parental involvement, financial and economic supportive services, open dialogue and voluntarism) is to ensure that each individual receives the necessary educational and social support that is required to live a healthy life.

Recent Projects (pictured above):

The former Winslow Hospital and Ashwood Home for Adults, located on Betts street in the Almagro Community of Danville, has received structural renovations (interior, exterior and grounds) and supportive services through efforts of the Urban Renewal Coalition and its partners.  Now called Winslow Loving Care, the facility serves individuals whose memories are failing due to the debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s.  The service history began in 1940 to assist African American patients—stemming from 1920’s difficulties and service barriers as related to racial and cultural differences.  In late June of 2012 the rebirth of the facility and its services began the journey that it walks today.


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