Together We Care

Combined partnership resources ensures social enrichment through exposure (introducing young people, adults, and community leaders to new ideas, information, places and relations), experience (providing opportunities for young people, adults, and community leaders to apply their knowledge and skills through hands-on activities), and engagement (encouraging young people, adults, and community leaders to fully activate their minds, bodies, and spirits)—key factors in genuine learning and advancement.

Learning is not only academic and strictly classroom-based, but often time entails elements of voluntarism, deliberate dialogue, and direct involvement with any and all tasks at hand.

Our network of seventy-five (75) partner organizations and programs offers services throughout the region, reaching more than 1,000 youth and adults. Through the efforts of the coalition, we address the issues most important to families and communities: building wealth in urban communities, improving socio-economic chances of youth and young adults, and strengthening the nonprofit sector. We work in the areas of positive youth development, adult education and job training, health-related services, economic education, housing support, advocacy, and economic inclusion.

Our Community:

The city of Danville boasts a proud history within the halls of southern localities, a jewel in its own right---from its role in the Civil War to the generation of wealth through textiles and agriculture for decades.  Moreover, Danville, like many other municipalities is categorized as a “rural community…with urban tendencies.”

This we note in various facets of the community’s residents’ overall livelihood: educational attainment, employment, crime, social integration, and etc. 

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